collecte section Bourgogne

From Dr Horowitz - I have been finding high burdens of heavy metals such as mercury and lead in my Lyme-MSIDS patients for years.

From Dr Horowitz - I have been finding high burdens of heavy metals such as mercury and lead in my Lyme-MSIDS patients for years. These heavy metals may contribute to ongoing symptoms, and detoxification can be effective in relieving resistant symptoms in certain individuals . Although larger fish such as tuna and swordfish are known to contain higher levels of mercury, the Maine Department of Marine Resources just reported high levels in Maine lobsters, leading to closure of the harvesting site for several years.
Lyme disease patients with chronic persistent symptoms despite antibiotics should be checked for heavy metal burdens as well as other environmental toxins. The role of heavy metals in Lyme disease is discussed in pages 198-200 in my book, as well as in chapter 8, Lyme and environmental toxins.