collecte section Bourgogne

lyme disease : mental illness , schizophrenia ....

"I have looked at the blood of MANY people with mental illnesses under the microscope, and each time I look at the huge numbers of borrelia on each new slide, I am saddened by the fact that these people are helpless victims. Not only are they stigmatised, sidelined and removed from the sight of the rest of us 'normal' people who are not crazy (because we don't want to be around schizophrenics etc), but they are also unable to work, enter relationships and do all the things that the rest of us take for granted. And it is caused by a bacteria and/or other microbes. If you are suffering with pain, fatigue and a host of other Lyme symptoms, spare a thought for those who suffer the most. Spare a thought for those who have lost even their personalities and the ability to complain, to love, to share, to laugh and to just 'be' somebody. When you think your condition is unbearable, I challenge you to spend a week at a mental institution, where EVERYONE examined has HUGE numbers of spirochetes moving freely between otherwise healthy looking blood cells. You will not complain too loudly again, I guarantee it. Here is a link as promised to a few people..."

There are at least 2 published papers on this somewhere from about 15 years ago, doing blood tests on patients in mental hospitals and finding a high prevalence of Bb antibodies.